In this time of dire need, Sepragen team is doing its part to solve the problem of COVID-19. We are providing equipment on an expedited basis to a company developing a vaccine for COVID- 19.
Column Packing
All the advantages of Superflo® columns, including their performance and economy point to the same thing: Superflo® columns work because they’re simple and easy to use.

The diagrams at below illustrate this simplicity. Superflo® columns can be packed, operated, and unpacked without dismantling. Virtually any chromatographic packing can be used with Superflo® columns. All you need is a simple peristaltic pump. You don’t even have to dismantle the column. There are no settings or adjustments. And, when necessary, the entire column assemble can be sterilized.

To fill a Superflo® column start by displacing the air. Simply fill the column by pumping buffer through the sample outlet port.
Pack the column by pumping your media of choice through the packing ports. Superflo® columns can be packed easily with soft as well as rigid chromatography media.
The column is now ready for use.
Unpacking is done by pumping buffer through the inlet and outlet ports, displacing the packing bed through the packing and unpacking ports.